Dr. Meike Ramon
I am fascinated by our ability to process faces to recognize others. Most intriguing are individuals located at the extremes of this ability spectrum: face-blind individuals suffering from prosopagnosia, and Super-Recognizers. My work integrates fundamental research in cognitive neuroscience into application in real-world settings where processing facial identity is critical: policing and law enforcement.
Some of the things I am currently involved in:
Applied Face Cognition (AFC) Lab - Group leader, funded by a SNSF PRIMA (Promoting Women in Academia) grant (PR00P1_179872 - Mechanisms of superior face recognition)
Berlin State Office of Criminal Investigation -Scientific advisor and collaborator developing a bespoke assessment tool to identify Super-Recognizers among the 24K employees of the Berlin Police
EU consortium project “Safer Space for Safer Cities” - Expert and best practice handbook contributor
I joined 500WS to find and contribute to a network of like-minded people committed to supporting each other to advance science and society.